SHGW: Conference

2019-20: Slavery and Honour in the Ancient Greek World


Conference, 11th-12th June 2019

Slavery and Honour in the Ancient Greek World

G.159 MacLaren Stuart Room

Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL

Tuesday 11/06

Session 1. Chair: Nick Fisher (Cardiff)

  • 9:00-9:45 David Lewis & Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh): Slavery and Honour in Ancient Greece: Past Approaches and Future Directions
  • 9:45-10:45 Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh): Honour and the Rhetoric of Slavery in Herodotus
    • Tea and Coffee 10:45-11:15
  • 11:15-12:15 Kostas Vlassopoulos (Crete): The Multiple Honours of Enslaved People in Antiquity
  • 12:15-1:15 Paulin Ismard (Paris 1): Honouring Slaves in a ‘Timocratic Society’: About the Changing Borders of the Community
    • Lunch 1:15-2:30

Session 2. Chair: Benedikt Eckhardt (Edinburgh)

  • 2:30-3:30 Bianca Mazzinghi Gori (Edinburgh): A share in τιμή: Respect and οἰκειότης Between Masters and Slaves in Menander
  • 3:30-4:30 Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh): Recognition, Imbalance of Power and Agency: Honour Relations and Slaves’ Claims vis-à-vis Their Masters
    • Tea and Coffee 4:30-4:45
  • 4:45-5:45 Nick Fisher (Cardiff): Whose Honour, whose Shame? Hybris, Slavery and the Athenian Law once more

Wednesday 12/06

Session 3. Chair: Stephen Hodkinson (Nottingham)

  • 10:00-11:00 Deborah Kamen (Washington): ‘Privileged’ Slaves and Honour in Classical Athens
    • Tea & Coffee 11.00-11:15
  • 11:15-12:15 Jason Porter (Nottingham): The Privilege that Costs Nothing? Occupations, Hierarchies and Honouring Slaves in Ancient Greece
  • 12:15-1:15 Gabriel Cabral (São Paulo): Helot Dishonour and Spartan Identity
    • Lunch 1:15-2:30

Session 4. Chair: Ulrike Roth (Edinburgh)

  • 2:30-3:30 Sara Zanovello (Edinburgh Law Society): Sanctuary Slaves and their Social Relations
  • 3:30-4:30 Ambra Ghiringhelli (Edinburgh): Chosen by the Gods: Slave Leaders and Religious Authority
    • Tea and Coffee 4:30-4:45
  • 4:45-5:45 David Lewis (Edinburgh): Greek Slavery and Honour: Institutional and Prototypical Approaches
  • 5:45-6:00 Douglas Cairns (Edinburgh): closing remarks
    • Dinner, 6:45


Further announcements will follow in due course regarding the workshop and second public lecture.

For all enquiries, please contact David Lewis (


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