Honour in Classical Greece will organize a series of workshops at various venues: each one will allow a number of scholars from various disciplines to present and discuss their work-in-progress research.
Please get in touch if you are interested in joining any of these workshops.
2019 series:
Workshop 1 (07 March, Edinburgh):
- Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh): Democratic deliberation in the Athenian Assembly: procedures and behaviours towards legitimacy
- Matthew Simonton (Arizona State): Speaking for the people: acts of political representation in the Athenian democratic Assembly
Workshop 2 (12 March, Edinburgh):
- Rodrigo Illarraga (Buenos Aires/CEU): Xenophon's psychology of philotimia
- William Mack (Birmingham): Valuing citizens: citizenship and property ownership from Solon to Ptolemy
Workshop 3 (12 April, Pisa):
Honour and ancient Greek philosophy
- Giulia Bonasio (Columbia): Honor as a natural good in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics
- Pia Campeggiani (Bologna): Desert and recognition, distributive justice, happiness and virtue
- Alessandra Fussi (Pisa): Honor and recognition. Contemporary debates, ancient responses
- Margaret Graver (Dartmouth): Honor in Plato's Republic and the Greek Stoics
- Øyvind Rabbås (Oslo): Emotions of respect
- Hélder Telo (Lisbon): Plato on the philosophical love of honour
Workshop 4 (7 June, Dresden):
Hybris, ancient and modern:
Ancient Greek lessons in life and leadership
Download the programme and abstracts
- Douglas Cairns / Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh): Introduction
- Kleanthis Mantzouranis (Edinburgh): Identity Leadership, hybris, and the Paradox of Alcibiades - download: handout
- Moritz Hinsch (Humboldt-Universität Berlin): Profits of Honour: Justice and Moneymaking in Classical Greece - download: handout - presentation
- Owen Kelly (Edinburgh): The Humbling of the Scottish Banking Industry During the Financial Crisis: Hybris, Financialization and some Aristotelian Responses - download: lecture - presentation
- Nick Bouras (KCL): Medical & Biological Perspectives of Hubristic Behaviour - download: presentation
- Eugene Sadler-Smith / Tim Wray (Surrey): Hubristic Leadership: Person and Process Perspectives - download: presentation part 1 - part 2
- Constantine Sedikides (Southampton): To Be Truthful or to Be Wonderful? The Rocky Road to Self-Knowledge
Workshop 5 (7 September, Edinburgh):
Honour in ancient Greek literary sources
Download the programme
- Douglas Cairns / Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh): Introduction
- Luigi Battezzato (Piemonte Orientale): Honouring the Gods, Honour among the Gods: from Homer to Tragedy - download: handout
- David Konstan (New York University): Honor in Archaic Greek Elegy - download: handout
- Johannes Haubold (Princeton): Honour and the Workings of the Cosmos - download: handout
- Ruth Scodel (Michigan): Honor without Authority - download: handout
- Natalia Tsoumpra (Glasgow): Losing and Gaining Control: The Role of Shame in the Ancient Medical Encounter - download: handout
- Frank Ursin (Ulm): Any Honour in the Corpus Hippocraticum? The Physician in the Deontological Works between Doxa and Euschēmosynē
2021 series:
Workshop 6 (31 May-1 June, Edinburgh [online]):
Honour in ancient history and historiography
Download the programme
- Douglas Cairns / Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh): Introduction
- Elke Stein-Hölkeskamp (Duisburg-Essen): ‘Money Μakes the Man’: Wealth as a Distinctive Feature of Ancient Elites - download: handout
- Hans van Wees (London): Honour and Profit in Greek International Relations - download: handout
- Claire Taylor (Wisconsin): The Dynamics of Honour and the Enslavement of Women - download: handout
- Ben Keim (Pomona): The Rhetoric(s) of Honour in Demosthenes’ Macedonian Speeches - download: handout
- Christel Müller (Nanterre): Epigraphic Uses of Τιμή-Words - download: handout
- Christopher Degelmann (Berlin): Φιλοτιμία, Plutarch, and (Μodern) Historiography - download: handout