

Honour in Classical Greece will organize a series of workshops at various venues: each one will allow a number of scholars from various disciplines to present and discuss their work-in-progress research.

Please get in touch if you are interested in joining any of these workshops.

2019 series:

Workshop 1 (07 March, Edinburgh): 

    • Mirko Canevaro (Edinburgh): Democratic deliberation in the Athenian Assembly: procedures and behaviours towards legitimacy
    • Matthew Simonton (Arizona State): Speaking for the people: acts of political representation in the Athenian democratic Assembly

Workshop 2 (12 March, Edinburgh):

    • Rodrigo Illarraga (Buenos Aires/CEU): Xenophon's psychology of philotimia
    • William Mack (Birmingham): Valuing citizens: citizenship and property ownership from Solon to Ptolemy

Workshop 3 (12 April, Pisa):

Honour and ancient Greek philosophy

    • Giulia Bonasio (Columbia): Honor as a natural good in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics
    • Pia Campeggiani (Bologna): Desert and recognition, distributive justice, happiness and virtue
    • Alessandra Fussi (Pisa): Honor and recognition. Contemporary debates, ancient responses
    • Margaret Graver (Dartmouth): Honor in Plato's Republic and the Greek Stoics
    • Øyvind Rabbås (Oslo): Emotions of respect
    • Hélder Telo (Lisbon): Plato on the philosophical love of honour

Workshop 4 (7 June, Dresden):

Hybris, ancient and modern:
Ancient Greek lessons in life and leadership

Download the programme and abstracts

Workshop 5 (7 September, Edinburgh):

Honour in ancient Greek literary sources


Download the programme

2021 series:

Workshop 6 (31 May-1 June, Edinburgh [online]):

Honour in ancient history and historiography


Download the programme



Featured image:Raffaello, Concilio degli dèi (Roma, Villa Farnesina, 1517-18)

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